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FAIRYTALE FOR BAND Starter Band Grade 1.5 1 minutes 54 seconds
This easy, playful flute feature tells the musical tale of a sprite or fairy travelling through the forest on a quest or simply just a morning stroll. At measure 15, an ogre appears and tries to capture the fairy, but the protagonist escapes. Then at measure 27, a witch attempts the same but is foiled when the ogre reappears, and their themes are played against each other at measure 35. In the confusion of their fight, the fairy escapes unharmed and continues on its way at measure 43. The outro at measure 51 represents it going off into the distance, continuing on its merry way
Printed Score and Parts (includes both scores) (B24005) $58.00
Printed Letter Size Full Score -(8.5x11) (B24005PFS) $18.00
Score and Parts Download (includes both scores) (B24005DL) $38.00
Full Score - Letter Size (only) Download (B24005FS) $16.00