Great Is Thy Faithfulness Setting by Charles Booker

Huntington Variants    Symphonic Band    Grade 4    7 min 20 sec

Composer, Ed Huckeby is known for his highly original concert band works. Many of his works are included
on state contest and festival lists throughout the country. HUNTINGTON VARIANTS was commissioned to
honor Mr. Thomas Ridley’s 40 th Anniversary as the conductor of the Huntington Beach (CA) Concert Band.
At the request of the honoree, ten of his favorite hymns were uniquely woven into the fabric of the composition...
some playing major thematic roles and others simply integrated as transitional material…but all contributing to
the essence of this powerfully magnificent musical work. The hymn tunes used include: Amazing Grace;
Doxology; Holy, Holy, Holy; Jesus Loves Me; Children of the Heavenly Father; MyJesus I Love Thee;
Be Thou My Vision; A Mighty Fortress and Thou Didst Leave ThyThrone.
HUNTINGTON VARIANTS was premiered by the highly regarded Huntington Beach Concert Band(HBCB) on
October 22, 2017 under the baton of the composer.

Printed Score and Parts (includes both scores) (B190102)                   $120.00
Printed Full Score - Letter Size  (B190102PFS)                                         $25.00
Printed Full Score - Ledger Size (B190102PLGFS)                                   $30.00
Score and Parts Download (includes both scores)  (B190102DL)          $70.00
Full Score - Letter Size (only) Download  (B190102FS)                           $20.00
Full Score - Ledger Size (only) Download  (B190102LGFS)                    $25.00

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It's Lit by Charles Booker