Amparito Roca    Concert Band    Grade 3    2 minutes 43 seconds

Amparito Roca was composed in 1925 by Spanish musician, conductor and composer Jaime Texidor. Its first performance took place in September of 1925 in the theater El Siglo in the town of Carlet where the composer lived at the time. It is a pasodoble and one of the better known pieces of Spanish music around the world. The score was published in Madrid later in 1925 by Música Moderna. Paso Dobles
became very popular with U.S. Bands throughout the sixties and a few of those, including Amparito Roca have remained a part of established concert band repertoire.

Printed Score and Parts (includes both scores) (B22010)                    $95.00
Printed Full Score - Letter Size  (B22010PFS)                                        $28.00
Printed Full Score - Ledger Size (B22010LGPFS)                                  $32.00
Score and Parts Download (includes both scores)  (B22010DL)          $65.00
Full Score - Letter Size (only) Download  (B22010FS)                           $18.00
Full Score - Ledger Size (only) Download  (B22010LGFS)                    $22.00

  • Amparito Roca2:44

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